Anti-Cofilin 1 (Ser-3), Phosphospecific Antibody

Our Cofilin 1 (Ser-3) rabbit polyclonal phosphospecific primary antibody from PhosphoSolutions is produced in-house. It detects chicken, human, mouse, and rat Cofilin 1 (Ser-3) and is antigen affinity purified. It is great for use in WB, ICC.

SKU: CP1151

Volume: 100 µL
Sale price$329

Product Specific References for Applications and Species

Western Blot: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
311693311ug/mlLong, J, et al. 2019. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) impairs the motility and immune function of human mature dendritic cells through the VEGF receptor 2-RhoA-cofilin1 pathway. Cancer science, 2357-2367.
Western Blot: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
26119942not listedGiacobbe, A, et al. 2016. p63 controls cell migration and invasion by transcriptional regulation of MTSS2. Oncogene, 1602-1608.
20413901not listedCouch, BA, et al. 2010. Increased dendrite branching in AbetaPP/PS1 mice and elongation of dendrite arbors by fasudil administration. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease: JAD, 1003-1008.

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